DOWNTOWN Elementary is a place where kids will have the best hour of their week. They’ll meet friends, learn about God, and participate in a time of exciting and relevant story-telling and worship. this is all done through appropriate large group and small group environments. We want kids to know they are each specially created in the image of God and we want them to discover an authentic faith, resilient and strong enough to trust God no matter what life throws their way.

Click the Kidstown Klubhouse image above to find out more information about Sunday Nights! 

Upcoming Events

Camp Cotubic Parent Meeting

If you have children registered for Kids' Camp Superheroes at Cotubic, we will be having a meeting for all you parents on Sunday May 19th at 4:00pm in the sanctuary. Please plan to attend as you will get a lot of important information about camp including what to bring, directions, a camp schedule, and a chance to meet your child's counselors. At this meeting, all camp payments are due along with your child's medical form. If you have questions contact Pam at or 419-223-9646 ext 1133.

Camp Cotubic Counselor/Staff Meeting

Kids' Camp Cotubic Counselors and Staff will be meeting on May 19th at 3:00pm in the sanctuary. Please plan to attend as you will get cabins rosters and important details about camp. We ask that you would then plan to stay for the Parent Meeting that starts at 4:00pm so you can meet the parents of the kids who will be in your cabins and they can fill you in on any info they may want you to know about their children. If you cannot attend, please let Pam know so you can meet with her at another time.

Click Here for a Note from Miss Pam